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1. General

These General Terms and Conditions (GTC) apply to all coaching, training and event contracts between Zuzana Laubmann (hereinafter also referred to as contractor) and her clients (hereinafter also referred to as customer).

These GTC apply exclusively. Terms and conditions of the contractual partner that conflict with these GTC, deviate from these GTC or deviate from the legal regulations to the detriment of the contractor will not be recognized unless their validity is expressly agreed to in writing.

The individual provisions of these General Terms and Conditions apply to consumers and entrepreneurs within the meaning of Section 310 of the German Civil Code. These General Terms and Conditions also apply to all future transactions with the contractual partner.

Further agreements are only binding for Zuzana Laubmann if they are confirmed by her in writing.

The contracts concluded by Zuzana Laubmann are service contracts, unless expressly agreed otherwise. The subject of the contract is therefore the provision of the agreed services, not the achievement of a specific result. 

These GTC apply exclusively. Terms and conditions of the contractual partner that conflict with these GTC, deviate from these GTC or deviate from the legal regulations to the detriment of the contractor will not be recognized unless their validity is expressly agreed to in writing.

The individual provisions of these General Terms and Conditions apply to consumers and entrepreneurs within the meaning of Section 310 of the German Civil Code. These General Terms and Conditions also apply to all future transactions with the contractual partner.

2. Conclusion of contract

With the commissioning of the contractor by the client (verbal or written booking of a coaching or coaching package; registration for a course via online form; written booking of a training or course - also by e-mail), a binding offer is made. The contract comes about through the written (also by e-mail) acceptance (order confirmation) of this offer by Zuzana Laubmann.

If the content of the order confirmation differs from the content of the order, a new offer is available to which Zuzana Laubmann is bound for a period of 14 days. The contract is concluded on the basis of this offer if the client accepts this offer within this period. 

Bookings are therefore binding.

3. Scope of Service

The scope of the service is based on the respective coaching package, training contract or course description. A guarantee for a coaching or training course presented subjectively by the client is not given.

4. Fee entitlement

In return for the provision of her services, Zuzana Laubmann is entitled to payment of an appropriate fee by the client. The fee is contractually agreed. 

The client pays the contractor an advance when the order is placed, the amount of which is contractually agreed. Unless otherwise agreed, the remainder of the agreed fee is due for coaching packages within 30 days of receipt of the invoice and for courses and training on the day of the event, less the advance payment, unless expressly agreed otherwise.

If the client is in arrears with the payment, the performance of the service can be postponed to another date (see also point 5).

5. Termination / cancellation of coaching packages, courses or training by the client

Withdrawal from the contract is only possible for courses and training courses, taking into account the following conditions, and must be made in writing.

If the execution of the order is prevented by the client after the contract has been concluded (e.g. due to termination or postponement), the

Training contracts with companies  the following cancellation regulation with the stipulation of fundamental flexibility of dates on both sides:

Up to 12 weeks before: postponement to a new date; no cancellation costs

Up to 8 weeks before: postponement to a new date; if not possible, billing of 45%

Up to 4 weeks before: postponement to a new date; if not possible, billing of 65%

Less than 4 weeks: billing of 75%.

Private training and courses the following cancellation policy:

If the registered participant cancels a participation that has already been confirmed by the organizer, the training/course fee will be refunded in full up to 8 weeks in advance, provided that the minimum number of participants for the course is not fallen short of. Since Zuzana Laubmann has to book contingents or rooms in seminar houses based on the number of registrations received and would have to bear the full costs in the event of cancellation, the full participation fee may still be due if the minimum number of participants is not reached due to the withdrawal of a participant who has already registered.

In the event of cancellation by a participant who has already registered within 55 days of the start of the training/course, 75% of the participation fee will be due if the minimum number of participants is nevertheless reached (see above).

In the event of cancellation by a participant who has already registered within 48 hours before the start of the training/course, 90% of the participation fee will be due, provided that the minimum number of participants is nevertheless reached (see above).

The conference fee (accommodation and full board in the seminar house) will be invoiced in any case and must be paid by the participant if the place cannot be occupied elsewhere.

In any case, a substitute can always be named and take part in the training (provided that they meet any existing participation requirements).

Basically:If you are considering canceling, please speak to me first. So we can try to find a solution that is useful for both sides. 

It is not possible to withdraw from a coaching package that has already been booked. If the client decides not to use all the sessions included in the package, his obligation to pay for the coaching package in full does not expire.

6.Termination / cancellation of individual consultations by the contractor

The organizer can cancel the training or the event for important reasons, for example if the trainer is ill or if the number of participants is too low. In this case, fees already paid will be refunded in full or a new appointment will be arranged after consultation with the client.

In this case, Zuzana Laubmann is not liable for already booked arrivals by car (e.g. rental car), train or plane.


7. Cancellation of a coaching appointment

Agreed dates are generally binding.

The time and place of the coaching are mutually agreed upon by the coaching partners. The client agrees to be punctual for all sessions.

A free cancellation or rescheduling of the coaching sessions is possible up to 24 hours before the appointment. After that, the fee will be charged at 100%.


Unless otherwise agreed, all documents or media made available to the client are included in the agreed remuneration. The documents are intended for the personal use of the client.

The copyright to the coaching concepts, documents and media belongs solely to Zuzana Laubmann. The client is not permitted to reproduce the documents in whole or in part and/or to make them accessible to third parties without the written consent of Natalie Mühlen. Publication, even in part, is prohibited.


9. Liability

The information and advice in coaching sessions as well as in all documentation are carefully considered and checked by the coach. Zuzana Laubmann's work is purely a service activity.

A success is therefore not owed. Liability is excluded. Any data is sent or transmitted electronically at the risk of the client.

Each client bears full responsibility for himself and his actions within and outside of the coaching sessions and is responsible for any damage caused. Coaching is not psychotherapy and cannot replace it. Participation requires normal mental and physical resilience.

Participation in the training and workshops is at your own risk. The organizer assumes no liability in the event of an accident or damage to a participant. No liability is assumed for equipment, luggage and wardrobe.
The organizer must be informed before the start of the training as well as during it about existing complaints or pregnancy.

The organizer assumes no liability for the knowledge imparted during the training, the practice of techniques and massages for pregnant women. The knowledge imparted is exclusively an example, which should be weighed up individually when used and, if necessary, clarified by the pregnant woman herself with experts.

10. Confidentiality and Privacy

Zuzana Laubmann undertakes to maintain secrecy towards third parties about all operational, business and private matters of the client that have become known in the course of the activity, even after the termination of the contract.

The customer's data is stored by Zuzana Laubmann in accordance with the Data Protection Act. Personal customer data will not be passed on to third parties.

In some cases, photos are taken during the events, which Zuzana Laubmann may use for advertising purposes. It is possible that the participants can also be recognized in these photos. If the participants do not agree to the creation and use of the photos, they must inform us in writing before the start of the course. Otherwise there will be no claims for damages or injunctive relief or other claims at a later date due to the use of the photos by Zuzana Laubmann.

11. Sect Declaration

I hereby declare that I do not work or have worked according to the technology of L. Ron Hubbard (founder of the Scientology organization), that I have not been trained according to the technology of L. Ron Hubbard and have not taken any courses and/or seminars in Scientology -Visit or have visited organizations that work according to L. Ron Hubbard's technology and that all coaching and consultations are not carried out according to this technology. In addition, I reject sectarian practices of any kind and expressly distance myself from sects and similar organizations.

12. Collateral Agreements

Ancillary agreements are to be agreed in writing.

13. Invalidity of Individual Provisions

Should individual provisions of the contract with the contractual partner, including these General Terms and Conditions, be or become invalid in whole or in part, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. Completely or partially ineffective regulations should be replaced by a regulation whose economic success comes as close as possible to the ineffective regulation.

14. Miscellaneous

Tape and photo recordings as well as the use of mobile phones during the events are only permitted by arrangement and may only be used on social media portals with the permission of the organizer. Video recordings are not permitted.

15 Restrictions due to force majeure e.g. COVID-19

If there is force majeure, liability in the event of damage is generally excluded because neither of the contracting parties is at fault. This also applies according to § 7 paragraph 2 StVG, if e.g. B. a traffic accident is caused by force majeure.

Should the clinic or nationwide impose restrictions on accompanying persons in the delivery rooms, an additional or substitute service will be agreed, such as labor support at home before leaving for the hospital, support on the phone over the entire duration of the birth or an additional service after the birth in the form of from childbed visits, Rebzoo massages etc. 

16. place of jurisdiction

The place of jurisdiction is Erlangen.


17. Provider

Zuzana Laubmann, MA., MA. 

Essenbacher Strasse, 11

91054 Erlangen 


Mgr Zuzana Laubmann, MA, HPP

Educator, Sociologist

Non-medical Psychotherapist

Somatic Experiencing Practitioner 

Internal Family Systems Therapist

TSY® Practitioner

WSGB-certified Trainer


Hauptstrasse 60, 91054 Erlangen, Germany  

Nuremberg, Fürth, Forchheim Bavaria, Germany


phone: +49 176 61090464


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In Notfällen wenden Sie sich bitte umgehend an Ihren Arzt, die Notfallpraxis oder Psychiatrische Ambulanz. 

Notfallpraxis: 09131-816060

Psychiatrische Ambulanz: 09131-8534597 


I am a member of Somatic Experiencing (SE)®  e.V. Germany. 

Somatic Experiencing (SE)® ist ein körperorientierter Ansatz zur Lösung von traumatischem


© 2020-2022  Zuzana Laubmann. 


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