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Großer Baum


When accompanying my clients, creative and coherent strategies and solutions often emerge that are worth pursuing, developing and ultimately passing on. 


The resources offered here are a daily part of the support I provide to my clients and have been edited for sharing so that they can be easily understood by readers with no previous experience or work. 


I hope they will help you to master the challenges of life's special events according to your own ideas.

Suggestions for pre- and post-operative events - GERMAN!

Medical interventions and operations are associated with physical and psychological changes. The patient's individual experience is often not the focus of treatment. It is possible to take a number of measures to not only reduce the anxiety and discomfort associated with an operation, but also to shorten the recovery time.


These suggestions can help you prepare for your surgery, recovery or your child's surgery together. 


Please note that this file does not replace a consultation with a doctor, advice in general or a therapy session for anxiety or stress.

Thank you for submitting! The download link will be sent to you by email.

Individual and trauma-sensitive birth plan - GERMAN! 

This can be a support for you if you want to create an individual birth plan that also requires openness and communication with your midwife and can have a positive effect on the atmosphere. It also supports you in discovering or developing helpful strategies for the birth.


Please note that this file does not replace a doctor's consultation, advice in general or a therapy session for anxiety or stress.

Thank you for submitting! The download link will be sent to you by email.

Franconian birth plan - FRANCONIA dialect 

Much of what people enjoy has been lost due to the restrictions of the last 2.5 years. Research in recent years has shown that good communication and interpersonal relationships are of enormous importance for families during childbirth.


With this "Gebordsplan" in Franconian, I would like to make the parents as well as the midwives and doctors smile and at the same time let the Franconian mind play its charm, so that it grows together a little more interpersonally, even if the circumstances are tense.


Many thanks to Helmut Haberkamm for his support with the "Franconian" spelling. 


Have fun with it. Sharing and spreading the word is expressly encouraged.

Thank you for submitting! The download link will be sent to you by email.

Individual and trauma-sensitive birth plan - ENGLISCH (US)!

This can be a support for you if you want to create a personalised birth plan that also requires openness and communication with your midwife and can have a positive effect on the atmosphere. It also supports you in discovering or developing helpful strategies for the birth.


Please note that this file does not replace a doctor's consultation, counselling in general or a therapy session for anxiety or stress.

Thank you for submitting! The download link will be sent to you by email.

The above suggestions are intended to support or supplement the treatment plan agreed by your doctor or medical team and are not intended to replace it. You may wish to discuss these suggestions with your doctor, midwife and/or a Somatic Experiencing® (SE) practitioner in your area. Please note that the information contained in this document is provided as a service, and Zuzana Laubmann, the author of these documents, makes no warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness, reliability or suitability of the information contained herein.



Mgr Zuzana Laubmann, MA, HPP

Educator, Sociologist

Non-medical Psychotherapist

Somatic Experiencing Practitioner 

Internal Family Systems Therapist

TSY® Practitioner

WSGB-certified Trainer


Hauptstrasse 60, 91054 Erlangen, Germany  

Nuremberg, Fürth, Forchheim Bavaria, Germany


phone: +49 176 61090464


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In Notfällen wenden Sie sich bitte umgehend an Ihren Arzt, die Notfallpraxis oder Psychiatrische Ambulanz. 

Notfallpraxis: 09131-816060

Psychiatrische Ambulanz: 09131-8534597 


I am a member of Somatic Experiencing (SE)®  e.V. Germany. 

Somatic Experiencing (SE)® ist ein körperorientierter Ansatz zur Lösung von traumatischem


© 2020-2022  Zuzana Laubmann. 


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