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Zuzana Laubmann, Heilpraktiker, Psychotherapie, Doula-Geburtsbegleitung

"The trauma is not in a specific event, but in the nervous system of the person concerned."

Peter Levine


Earlier traumas on the physical or psychological level or experienced sexual violence in childhood or adolescence often have an impact on the course of pregnancy and childbirth.



Doula-Geburtsbegleitung, Psychoberatung, körperorientierte Traumatherapie, Traumasensibles Yoga

The accompaniment of a doula often gives the woman giving birth more security and ensures that she feels comfortable.

1: 1 support is essential for those affected by trauma.


Traumasensibles Yoga, Selbstregulation & Selbstwirksamkeit, Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie & Doula-Geburtsbegleitung, Vorbereitung auf Geburt

Understanding the impact of trauma on pregnancy and childbirth is the first step in individual and trauma-sensitive preparation.

It is important to find individual strengths, tried-and-tested strategies and alternatives for actions or situations and, with their support, to establish a feeling of "security", regardless of external circumstances.

systemische Therapie & Coaching, Traumatherapie Erlangen, Geburtsrituale, Zuzana Laubmann, Trauma & Geburt, Mutter-Kind-Bad, Traditionelle Pflege
Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie & Doula-Geburtsbegleitung, Vorbereitung auf Geburt, systemische Therapie & Coaching, Traumatherapie Erlangen


systemische Therapie & Coaching, Traumatherapie Erlangen, Geburtsrituale, Zuzana Laubmann

As a consultant and doula, I know how to deal with very sensitive issues and treat them with confidence.

In a conversation, we will clarify your concerns and which support is possible for you.

I would be happy to show you self-help techniques that can help you prepare for the upcoming birth. Together we will look at other methods that make it easier to deal with examinations and clinical procedures and for which you can prepare yourself in a targeted manner.


If you want me to be by your side during the birth, I'll be by your side as a doula.

Especially if you are planning a home birth or birth in the birth center, there is always the likelihood that it will have to be transferred to the hospital. During this change of location , I can be extremely useful as a doula, as I can continue to accompany you in the hospital, unlike your midwife.


Are you in the puerperium or is the birth of your child further back and you wish you had an "inner" degree? I offer regular healing circles for women, to which I would like to cordially invite you. We are also happy to arrange a personal meeting.


If your concerns exceed my competencies as a consultant and doula, I will help you to find a therapist.


Consultation can take place on site or online (Skype, telephone). More information


In urgent cases such as pregnancy or in the puerperium, I also offer mobile services so that bed rest does not have to be interrupted.

Geburtsrituale, Zuzana Laubmann, Trauma & Geburt, Mutter-Kind-Bad


As a consultant and doula, I know how to deal with very sensitive issues and treat them with confidence.

In a conversation, we will clarify your concerns and which support is possible for you.

I would be happy to show you self-help techniques that can help you prepare for the upcoming birth. Together we will look at other methods that make it easier to deal with examinations and clinical procedures and for which you can prepare yourself in a targeted manner.


If you want me to be by your side during the birth, I'll be by your side as a doula.

Especially if you are planning a home birth or birth in the birth center, there is always the likelihood that it will have to be transferred to the hospital. During this change of location , I can be extremely useful as a doula, as I can continue to accompany you in the hospital, unlike your midwife.


Are you in the puerperium or is the birth of your child further back and you wish you had an "inner" degree? I offer regular healing circles for women, to which I would like to cordially invite you. We are also happy to arrange a personal meeting.


If your concerns exceed my competencies as a consultant and doula, I will help you to find a therapist.


Consultation can take place on site or online (Skype, telephone). More information


In urgent cases such as pregnancy or in the puerperium, I also offer mobile services so that bed rest does not have to be interrupted.


Mgr Zuzana Laubmann, MA, HPP

Educator, Sociologist

Non-medical Psychotherapist

Somatic Experiencing Practitioner 

Internal Family Systems Therapist

TSY® Practitioner

WSGB-certified Trainer


Hauptstrasse 60, 91054 Erlangen, Germany  

Nuremberg, Fürth, Forchheim Bavaria, Germany


phone: +49 176 61090464


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In Notfällen wenden Sie sich bitte umgehend an Ihren Arzt, die Notfallpraxis oder Psychiatrische Ambulanz. 

Notfallpraxis: 09131-816060

Psychiatrische Ambulanz: 09131-8534597 


I am a member of Somatic Experiencing (SE)®  e.V. Germany. 

Somatic Experiencing (SE)® ist ein körperorientierter Ansatz zur Lösung von traumatischem


© 2020-2022  Zuzana Laubmann. 


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