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Somatic Experiencing®

Somatic Experiencing (SE)® renegotiates the trauma physically, mentally and emotionally. This method is suitable for overcoming shock trauma, accidents, medical trauma, anesthesia and for transforming early attachment and developmental trauma. 


"The key to overcoming trauma is not to relive the trauma, but to create new experiences in the body."

Peter Levine


"The trauma is not in a specific event, but in the nervous system of the person concerned."

Peter Levine


It is no longer the event that constitutes a trauma, rather it is the response in the organism to the experience. If a person has been exposed to an overwhelming event at a very early age, their nervous system may have developed a flight or fight response, or even freezing or "being absent" as a response to being overwhelmed. Other reactions are classified as useless.


This can become noticeable later, for example when people wish for a certain reaction in a certain situation but are unable to realize it. Instead, disorientation, palpitations, nausea, physical impulses to fight, flee or collapse, restlessness, the inability to calm down or be happy come to the fore again. This can be very frustrating. The answer to this is hidden in our autonomic nervous system and its adaptability.


Somatic Experiencing (SE)® is a body-oriented approach to resolving traumatic stress in the body.

More about Somatic Experiencing® -->



Understanding the impact of trauma on our quality of life, health and body is one of the most important steps. The physical and psychological reaction to a traumatic event is a normal (biological) reaction of the nervous system to an abnormal (overwhelming) event. 


It is important to find individual strengths, proven strategies and alternatives for actions or situations and, with their support, to establish a feeling of "safety", regardless of external circumstances.


In this way, body-oriented trauma therapy also teaches us to know our body, to establish a connection to ourselves, to develop an awareness and to orient ourselves better and better in the here and now.


Somatic Experiencing® makes an expert invitation to the autonomic nervous system, the body feeling changes more and more towards safety and presence, the trauma is renegotiated physically, mentally and emotionally until it is fully integrated on all three levels.


In Somatic Experiencing (SE)® it is possible to work without content if, for example, a topic seems too stressful or events are not remembered. We focus on current feelings and body sensations. It is enough that the body remembers.

Anker 1

"A trauma is bound up in the nervous system. It is therefore a biologically incomplete response of the body to a situation that is experienced as life-threatening. The nervous system has lost its full flexibility as a result. We must therefore help it to find its full range and strength again."


Peter Levin


  • E.g. for symptoms such as chronic fatigue, burnout, migraines, fears, depression, weight fluctuations, restlessness, stress, post-traumatic consequences, etc.

  • ​OPERATIONS (or medical trauma), ANESTHESIA


  • Tension in the jaw, grinding teeth etc. 

  • ​experiences of violence, natural disasters, animal attacks 

  • for fear of commitment and relationships 

  • complex physical and psychological symptoms with or without direct reference to the event 

  • Atopic dermatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, asthma, high blood pressure, etc. (psychosomatic diseases)

  • balance problems 

  • Recurring (repeating)  accidents or injuries 

Somatic Experiencing

Here you can find out more about the Somatic Experiencing technique. You will also find stories of people and their personal healing journey. 


DEU ---> 

EN --->

Ray's story

This video tells the story of the healing process of Ray, a marine who was injured by two explosive devices. His closest friend died in his arms. He was diagnosed with severe PTSD as well as a traumatic brain injury. He was brought to Dr. Levine after developing chronic pain, depression, Tourette's-like twitching, cognitive issues, and insomnia due to night terrors. In a series of documented Somatic Experiencing® sessions attended by Ray's family, Peter demonstrates the power of SE™ as a tool for healing the wounds of war.


Roy Hinnen, former Swiss triathlon champion, mentor and author, shares his session with Peter Levine in this video.


It is a personal healing story after his bicycle accident, which he went through with Somatic Experiencing. 

The recording shows a "typical" Somatic Experiencing session.


Roy Hinnen had already completed several sessions with a Somatic Experiencing practitioner prior to this session. 


The first step is to contact us. This can be done by telephone or simply via the booking tool or contact form. The information session lasts approx. 30 minutes and costs 30 euros! You can ask your personal questions and find out more about the appropriate treatment method. Together we will discuss the treatment plan, suitable forms of therapy and the therapy goals. 


For reasons of care, I schedule the first two treatments 7 days apart. If your symptoms are very acute, this procedure is also advisable for a third session. After that, however, you can decide for yourself at what interval you would like to come. 


My holistic therapy methods are very efficient, so you will notice significant improvements after just a few sessions. You will also receive good and powerful self-help tips from me and can therefore actively contribute to your recovery.


Appointments can also be made ONLINE at any time. I am registered on the platform, through which I can invite you to a secure video transmission. 

"All trauma symptoms are the result of a highly activated but incomplete biological response to a threat frozen in time. If this frozen  reaction is allowed to thaw, develop over time and thus complete, a trauma can be healed."


Peter Levin


Individual consultation 60 minutes: 90 euros

(These services are exempt according to §4 No. 14 UStG.)

Information session 30 minutes: free of charge for you.

Travel costs included up to 10 km from 91054 Erlangen (after that 0.50 ct/km).

I ask that agreed appointments are canceled up to 24 hours in advance as part of mutual appreciation.

Some supplementary insurancesoften bear the costs for the naturopathic services.

Pure self-payerscan deduct the fees as part of their income tax return.

Get to know each other

Would you like to get to know my way of working and check that it suits you and your needs? You are welcome to arrange a 30-minute meeting.  

30 € / 30 min.


Mgr Zuzana Laubmann, MA, HPP

Educator, Sociologist

Non-medical Psychotherapist

Somatic Experiencing Practitioner 

Internal Family Systems Therapist

TSY® Practitioner

WSGB-certified Trainer


Hauptstrasse 60, 91054 Erlangen, Germany  

Nuremberg, Fürth, Forchheim Bavaria, Germany


phone: +49 176 61090464


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In Notfällen wenden Sie sich bitte umgehend an Ihren Arzt, die Notfallpraxis oder Psychiatrische Ambulanz. 

Notfallpraxis: 09131-816060

Psychiatrische Ambulanz: 09131-8534597 


I am a member of Somatic Experiencing (SE)®  e.V. Germany. 

Somatic Experiencing (SE)® ist ein körperorientierter Ansatz zur Lösung von traumatischem


© 2020-2022  Zuzana Laubmann. 


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