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zuzana     laubmann

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Non-medical Psychotherapist
Educator, Sociologist
Author, Lecturer

„I love discovering and strengthening what is well and healthy in people. No state is absolute. Every time it is possible to go new ways, to rediscover and understand oneself and one's environment anew. This is where new, fresh energy, healing and new perspectives are hidden.“

Areas of expertise

Psychotherapy (HpG)
Somatic Experiencing®,

Resource work, stabilization

Pre- and post-operative support, 

Support during pregnancy,

Integration of birth experiences, 

Financial therapy,

Emotional eating,

Internal family systems therapist

As a non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy, I would like to work with you to focus on restoring your natural self-regulation and self-efficacy, as well as on your strengths and resources.


With Somatic Experiencing (SE)® the trauma is renegotiated physically, mentally and emotionally. This method is suitable for overcoming shock trauma, accidents, medical trauma, anesthesia and for transforming early attachment and developmental trauma. 


Resources are important sources of life. They contribute to stability in times of anxiety, grief, upset or major life changes. Parents or people with life challenges in particular benefit from working on their resources for more stability and competence in everyday life. 


By preparing you for an operation, I support you in creating the best possible conditions for both - the planned procedure and your recovery afterwards. 


By strengthening the bond and your competence as a parent, I will help you to integrate the birth experiences and interruptions that may occurred during the birth. 


If you wish to improve your handling of money and gain more capacity in the business area, I will accompany you with the Somatic Experiencing (SE)® method. 

You may know me from the following media and trainings:

Erlanger Nachrichten haben bereits mehrere Interviews oder Artikel über die Arbeit von Zuz
Midwifery today ist ein amerikanisches Forum mit eigenem Magazin, in dem auch Zuzana Laubm
The Mothering Journey ist ein Magazin, in dem auch Zuzana Laubmann einige Fachartikel verö
GefaehrtinAkademie Doula Ausbildung.png
Deutsche Hebammen Zeitschrift veröffentlichte bereits Artikel von Zuzana Laubmann, Heilpra
Art of birth.jpeg
ELMA Magazin ist ein Familienmagazin in der Region Nürnberg, Erlangen, in dem Sie auch Art
DONA International is the world’s first, largest and leading doula certifying organization

Book an appointment

Here you can book your appointment or individual session - ONLINE or in my PRAXIS on site. 


Here you can find my publications in the local, German and international press.

My blog

In my blog you will learn about related topics and topics that are particularly close to my heart.


Here you will find upcoming events for professionals.

"I highly recommend Zuzana's work with Somatic Experiencing®. She brings a wealth of skills, understanding and experience and creates a wonderfully safe space to explore. I particularly like her freshness and sensitivity in equal measure. She has a keen sense of naming difficult things and integrating them into the work. 

My system takes it from her that she knows what she is talking about and feels. For me, she has the perfect mix of space for my own explorations and interesting questions. I can definitely recommend her!"

Tanja, SE®-Klientin

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