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Date will be announced
Help with birth processing and gentle trauma healing in mother and child with Brigitte Meissner part 1.
6-day conversational and light bodywork course in two parts.
Zeit & Ort
Date will be announced
gain, Erlangen, Germany
Über die Veranstaltung
After difficult pregnancy or childbirth experiences, women can be full of fears. A subsequent birth is often seen as a threatening event. Those affected need careful support to process the data. If they are not accompanied or picked up, the desired PDA and desired section rate will inevitably continue to rise. Specialists for mother and child therefore often find themselves in an almost therapeutic position. They struggle with the feeling that they lack the right "tools" and often do not know how the women should constructively engage in the conversation.
This seminar makes it possible to fill these gaps. The participants learn both tried-and-tested bodywork techniques to mindfully absorb hurt feelings, as well as interviewing techniques to help women process what they have experienced in the best possible way.
Seminar content:
- In order to be able to offer good support and help with the birth process, we have to overcome our own fear of "feeling too much". What does that actually mean?
- It is important to recognize the difference between re-traumatization and constructive, resource-oriented processing.
- In this seminar you will learn to recognize the roots of the actual pain, to feel it and then let it go with yourself and with careful support.
- In order to process trauma, it is important and helpful for those affected and their companions to recognize existing feelings and their triggers and to classify them into old ones, or from the longer past and into those that are more recent. It is often possible that such feelings and the associated fears about a future pregnancy or childbirth can be alleviated or resolved. We practice what we have learned in the group.
- Positions of powerlessness and power and their effects are explained.
- In this seminar you will learn proven techniques from bodywork to mindfully absorb hurt feelings in adults on the body level. Knowledge transfer from the field of process work (interaction of body and feelings) and the work of Peter Levine and others are presented.
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (including a 20-minute coffee break)
2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. (including a 20-minute coffee break)
Afterwards dinner together.
Conditions:Attendance of the two-day basic course. For part 2. attendance of part1.
Severe cases should definitely be referred to trained therapists.
This course is for midwives, midwifery students, doulas, maternity nurses, social educators.
Training points/training times:Midwives could have their training points/further training times shown for this. There are a total of 45 training units, which are identified by the confirmation of participation.
There are 35 places in this course.
Minimum number: 20
Early bird price for 3 days: 320 euros plus. VAT
Deposit: 150 euros
You can purchase a ticket and get payment information from it.
Photo: Brigitte Meissner - Herzensfaden
Personal responsibility statement
I take part in the training or seminar organized by Zuzana Laubmann at my own responsibility and risk and assure that I do not suffer from any physical or mental illnesses that could endanger myself or others. I am personally responsible for everything that I do, receive, give and experience during an event and later pass it on to clients as a performer or practitioner, and I respect the legal framework of the work I do and am aware of what I do exercise or exercise may and can.
I am aware that no healing, therapeutic or medical activities and support are offered during the training. No "treatment contract" or similar will be concluded between me and Zuzana Laubmann.
I agree and willingly release the organizer and all other participants of the training from liability. I will not assert any claims for damages against the persons mentioned, as long as there is no intentional action.
Insurance against illness and accidents as well as taking out cancellation insurance for the entire training course is my responsibility.
With my registration I accept the declaration of personal responsibility.