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Date will be announced
Webinar on legal regulations affecting doulas and counselors
Zeit & Ort
Date will be announced
Über die Veranstaltung
While doula or counselor work is by definition a liberal profession, there are laws that govern matters pertinent to the practice of the profession. It is also defined,
I would like to briefly explain this legal situation in this webinar and use examples from the Internet to put it into practice.
- How can you advertise which techniques and means?
- What do you have to consider when describing services?
- When is one liable to prosecution and could be warned?
- How is a consulting activity to be distinguished from a healing activity?
- When do I exceed this limit and could be appealed for mishandling?
A short script with an overview of the law is included.
Duration: 2.5 - 3 hours
Price: 75 euros
Date: To be announced (01/2022 - 02/2022)
Registrations are now possible.
Zoom meeting
This webinar is only intended to provide an overview and does not claim to be the absolute correctness of the legal situation described.
Personal responsibility statement
I take part in the training or seminar organized by Zuzana Laubmann at my own responsibility and risk and assure that I do not suffer from any physical or mental illnesses that could endanger myself or others. I am personally responsible for everything that I do, receive, give and experience during an event and later pass it on to clients as a performer or practitioner, and I respect the legal framework of the work I do and am aware of what I do exercise or exercise may and can.
I am aware that no healing, therapeutic or medical activities and support are offered during the training. No "treatment contract" or similar will be concluded between me and Zuzana Laubmann.
I agree and willingly release the organizer and all other participants of the training from liability. I will not assert any claims for damages against the persons mentioned, as long as there is no intentional action.
Insurance against illness and accidents as well as taking out cancellation insurance for the entire training course is my responsibility.
The knowledge acquired here is reserved for the providers and may not be taught further without the express permission of Zuzana Laubmann.
With my registration I accept the declaration of personal responsibility.