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Amnion Moon

Placenta is a miraculous organ. This is not the only reason why its appreciation celebrates its entry into pre- and postnatal practices and rituals - from placenta-kust to preserve the memory of the placenta for the child, through various rituals and practices around the world, to overall concept, individual placenta ceremonies for children and adults, to placentophagy or the consumption of placenta via capsules or nosodes.

The amniotic membrane is used because of its wound-healing properties in transplantology e.g. for burns (temporary skin replacement in case of thermal injuries), for wound healing disorders, in oral and maxillofacial surgery, in ophthalmology for the care of the eye in case of injuries, but also in gynecological surgery. Some midwives have also told me about good wound healing in perineal tears or perineal injuries after childbirth.

Drying the egg skin (or amniotic sac, amnion or also called sheep skin) is a wonderful way to preserve the placenta and give it an artistic expression. "Amnion Moon" is a technique used to dry the amnion vack and create it as a keepsake. This creates "moons" that give us a glimpse of what the child sees in the womb and through it. Through the egg skins looked the baby in the womb and every time I manage to frame this wonderful landscape, it fills me with happiness.

Amnion Mond
Amnion Monde

What is most important to me when working with the amnion is that you are aware of the material and approach it with an appreciation. The amnion is an absolutely precious material. Traditional midwives from the South American jungle attribute an important role to the amnion after birth. It contains many very valuable substances and is energetically very strong. They also recommend to avoid that strangers can arbitrarily look at or touch the amnion. It has a place there by the child's crib, especially when the child is sick or restless. This is how I experienced it in the conversations with Angelina, Naoli and also Rocio Alarcon. I also pass on this meaning in the training courses on Placenta Blessings.

But it also happens that parents tell me about the effects of Amnion Moon on the babies. It is the third child of the parents for whom I was allowed to make my last Amnion Moon. The little one would have been very restless that day, could not be calmed down, they tried all the grips and all the tricks. And then the mom stopped for a moment at the amnion moon picture and noticed, her baby became calmer and looked at the picture with her. The dad said shortly after: We should film that for Zuzana. When she told me that story, she had tears in her eyes again.

Amnion Mond Landschaft
Amnion Mond

Both fresh and frozen placenta are suitable for the preparation of amniotic fluid. The result may vary. I am also often asked if it is possible for parents to make the moons themselves. Some parents I have already accompanied in the online meeting through the manufacturing process and later received great pictures of wonderful moons. It is advisable to consider well in advance whether the woman wants to deal with this topic so early, whether the dad takes it over or then rather the doula or midwife.

What is most important to me when working with the amnion is that you are aware of the material and approach it with an appreciation. The amnion is an absolutely precious material and there is not an unlimited amount of material to experiment with in a placenta. Likewise, the amnion is delicate even when dried. So it is advisable to pick up a few tips, attend a webinar on this or hire a doula or midwife already skilled in this technique.

In the meantime, the Amnion Moon is enjoying great popularity, which is certainly due to the "special" about this precious material, but also thanks to many colleagues such as Inken Arntzen @inkenarntzen, who has described this technique in your professional article ART FROM PLACENTA & CO.: "THANKFULNESS FOR THE HOME OF OUR BABY" at about the importance of placenta as well as in the doula trainings, where this technique is addressed more and more. Recently, workshops have also been offered by my doula colleague Mira, which certainly adds to the diversity in the doula and midwifery field. I learned this technique from my fellow doula Verena @pampelmuse_123 who brought her moons to our booth once. It was love at first sight and when I was asked more and more how it went, I asked her for permission to share this technique. I find the attitude with which I approach and implement things very significant. Appreciation doesn't hurt anyone - on the contrary, it creates common ground for everything you do and with whom, it creates connection.

The connections here in the first place are the parents and their babies who entrust me with their placenta. The amnion, together with the placenta, forms the unique universe of mother and child. And certainly there are numerous other reasons why so many people are attracted to the placenta and oh the amnion - the unconditional being nourished, something that - at least for a limited time - belongs only to one self.

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