"Sment warming support for recovery, regression and diastasis."

Bengkung is a traditional Malaysian abdominal wrapping method practiced around the world. Wrapping the pelvis and abdomen is an effective and important part of a mother's recovery in the process of postpartum. It naturally helps the body to form back and recover in a shorter time. This abdominal wrap with Bengkung provides complete abdominal support to the postpartum body, improving posture, stabilizing loosened ligaments and supporting the torso.
The Bengkung Jawa is the most common type. It is up to 15 meters long and is tied in the front in three different ways. Lilitan Bengkung Barut (or Kutang) is the modern form of the Bengkung and is laced through eyelets and strands to form a corset-like support. Bengkung Selendang or Stagen is the traditional form from Bali and is wrapped in a circle around the hips and abdomen. It is made of a strong hand-woven fabric and provides excellent support and strengthens the posture. In addition, there is A very similar form of binding is also found in China and Japan, where it is called "Sarash".
"The total number of different Bengkung cloths is very valuable, so each woman can choose her favourite way or switch between two as needed. Bengkung does not become "compulsory" but a choice according to the possibility of the day. "
The Bengkung wrap starts at the level of the pubic bone around the hips and ends below the breast line. This gives complete support to the uterus, pelvic floor and internal organs of the trunk and chest.
What is Bengkung made of?
This is a 100% cotton fabric, 10 to 15 meters long and about 20 cm wide. When applying a warming paste, a piece of cotton flannel is also used. The whole Bengkung ritual is accompanied by relaxing music and gentle uterine massage and abdomen.
In traditional postpartum care, Bengkung is a part of the overall treatment, consisting of massages, baths and body treatments dedicated to the whole body. The woman is nurtured and cared for. The massages help the body to relax and stimulate the flow in the body. The woman can feel the wholeness of her body, which goes through many changes after childbirth, through the gentle hand pressure. Bengkung helps to stabilize the body center and has a relaxing effect on the autonomic nervous system, making it easier for the woman to rest during the postpartum period.
Personally, I prefer the total treatment before the sole application of the Bengkungs. Also, the variety of wipes comes to every woman's benefit, she can pick out the appropriate variant, which is most pleasant for her and also to have a fallback option, if she has a day not so much capacity free and it may go faster with the diapering.
The massages are relaxing and provide good blood circulation. The foot bath is refreshing and completes the body treatments. The warming paste supports the effect of bengkung in the abdominal area and provides fresh aromas.
It is advisable to start as soon as possible after delivery, ideally on the fifth day after birth. Binding with bengkung should be done for at least 40 days, or longer, daily for at least 5 to 12 hours.
Traditionally, it is tied for 23 hours. Women using Bengkung usually returned to their original size within 6 to 8 weeks.
If a woman has had a cesarean section, it is recommended to wait for the wound to heal. If you would like to start earlier, please consult your midwife or doctor.
My recommendation is to look for an expert body therapist, physiotherapist or midwife possibly doula with sound (body oriented) training if you want to use Bengkung in the postpartum period.