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AutorenbildZuzana Laubmann

Becoming a Trauma-sensitive Birthkeeper

Aktualisiert: 19. Dez. 2022

in Midwifery Today, Issue 138, Summer 2021.


Traumatizing childhood experiences can affect a womans attitude toward pregnancy and birth. Trauma-informed care can build a link between the client’s trauma history and current concerns. Understanding how childhood sexual abuse or a history of childhood trauma affects pregnancy, labour, and birth can help the caregiver identify possible signs and triggers. This in turns facilitates an aligning of care with the individual needs and concerns of clients, in order to transfer them to the state of ability and competence. This perspective allows us to bridge the gap between clinical standards and the individual needs of pregnant women and women in labour who may have a history of trauma. Using these insights, we aim to create psychosocial perinatal care that has positive outcomes in all bio-psychological domains.

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